Eyeliner HI-TECH Pierre René
Bună dimineaţa ! În sfârşit este weekend, timpul pentru relaxare!
Astăzi m-am gândit să scriu o postare scurtă despre un produs primit de la Magiq, după ce am avut o experinţă negativă cu un alt produs pe care l-am cumpărat de la ei.
Am folosit acest produs atât cu bază cât şi fără, a rezistat cu brio pe pleoape, şi odată ce îl aplic şi se usucă trec degetele peste pleoape şi nu se ia nimic.
Good morning! Finally it is time for a relaxing weekend!
Today I thought to write a short post about a product received from Magiq, once I had a negative experience with another product that I bought from them.
The topmost overlapping very interesting in shape, but that is very easy to handle and does not necessarily have to know how to use ink to draw a line with very high precision.Color lasts up to 14 hours, so it is.
I used this product with both the base and without, successfully resisted on the eyelids, and once you apply and dry run your fingers over the eyelids and don't take anything.
Culoarea rămâne la fel de vibrantă ca înainte.De obicei găsesc câte un minus la fiecare produs încercat, dar la acesta încă nu am găsit şi dacă sunteţi curioase chiar merită încercat. Preţul este mediu, dar îşi merită fiecare bănuţ.Today I thought to write a short post about a product received from Magiq, once I had a negative experience with another product that I bought from them.
The topmost overlapping very interesting in shape, but that is very easy to handle and does not necessarily have to know how to use ink to draw a line with very high precision.Color lasts up to 14 hours, so it is.
I used this product with both the base and without, successfully resisted on the eyelids, and once you apply and dry run your fingers over the eyelids and don't take anything.
The color remains just as vibrant as before.Usually I find one minus to each product, but tried it yet I have not found and if you're curious even worth trying. The price is average, but worth every penny.
Preţ:35 ronCantitate:0,4 ml
Etichete: Eyeliner, HI-TECH, Pierre René, review
5 comentarii:
chiar arata interesant, am mai vazut modelul parca la unul!
da probabil ca l-ai vazut :)
Super, intotdeauna am vrut sa incerc un eyeliner de genul. :)
partea cu rezistenta suna foarte bine,insa nu prea ma tenteaza din cauza ambalajului :))
Forma lui e cel puţin interesantă, iar dacă şi conţinutul este unul bun, trebuie încercat! ♥
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