duminică, 18 august 2013

(EN&RO)Burt's Bees-Carrot Day Creme

(EN)Hello girls!From recently received products series, is this face cream with carrot. It has saved me the skin since I got back from vacation and see really ugly when skin goes off.
(RO)Hello girls!Din seria produselor recent primite, este si acesta crema de fata de zi cu morcov. Ea mi-a salvat pielea cand m-am intors din concediu si se vedea foarte urat cand se duce pielea.
It is true that she is a cream for the face but I used it in other places.
It is a light cream that moisturizes the skin.
 E adevarat ca ea este o crema destinata fatei, dar am mai folosit-o si in alte locuri .
Este o crema usoara, care hidrateaza pielea.
 The cream is in a glass jar with metal lid and 56g composition.
 Crema este intr-un borcanel de sticla cu capac metalic si are 56g de compozitie.
It has a very interesting color, an orange but I think this is due to beta carotene.
The cream should be used with care, because you can color the clothes . When I opened it for the first time  I fell in love with the smell, as if it's the smell of caramel ... and the smell lingers on the skin over the entire day.
Are o culoare foarte interesanta, un portocaliu deschis dar cred ca, asta se datoreaza beta carotenului.
Crema trebuie folosita cu grija, datorita faptuli ca poate colora hainele. Cand am desfacut prima data borcanelul m-am indragostit de miros, parca e miros de caramel...si mirosul persista pe piele de-a lungul intregii zile.

Why I love it:-it contains 98.3% natural products, ingredients
-composition,  not fat at all 
- there's a store in romania which commercializes products 
Ce imi place la ea:
-contine 98,3 % produse naturale, ingrediente
-mirosul demential
-compozitia usoara, care nu ingrasa deloc tenul
-exista si in romania magazin care comercializeaza produse 

I'm curious if you tried  products from them .... and wait for your opinions!
Sunt curioasa daca voi a-ti incercat produse de la ei....si astept opiniile voastre!

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