Early Spring International Giveaway 14.02-08.03.2014
Because we know you like surprises, along with Alina, we thought to start a giveaway, only this time it will be international.
You can join both on my blog and on her blog. ..each choosing a winner.
What to do:
-to follow with gfc : My Chic Lifestyle and All that beauty things..
- like Facebook pages: My Chic Lifestyle and All that beauty things...
-leave a coment with your:GFC name, link with your share on Facebook
- like&share the giveaway
- the contest ends on 08.03.2014 the winner being announced on 10.03.2014
Pentru ca stim ca va plac surprizele, impreuna cu Alina, ne-am gandit sa dam drumul unui concurs colab, doar ca de data acesta va fi unul internationl.Va puteti inscrie atat pe la mine pe blog, cat si la ea ..fiecare alegand cate o castigatoare.
Ce trebuie sa faceti:
-sa ne urmariti cu gfc blogurile: My chic Lifestyle si All that beauty things..
-sa dati like paginile de Facebook: My chic lifestyle si All that beauty things..
-completati formularul
-concursul se termina pe data de 08.03 castigatoarea fiind anuntata pe data de 10.03
Etichete: Early, giveaway, international, international giveaway, Spring